Do you want to join a large international Group at the heart of the digital life? With the free Orange Jobs application, you have quick and easy access to all of our job and internship offers at Orange, no matter where you are.
With the Orange Jobs application, you can:
– search for offers by country, activity, type of contract (temporary, permanent, internships, apprenticeship, etc.), and by keyword
– manage your profile
– save offers to apply later on the Orange Jobs website
– receive alerts on job offers which correspond to your profile
– choose your edition with specific information and videos
– share offers on Facebook
Quick and easy access to all of our jobs, internships and international business volunteering offers at Orange worldwide, no matter where you are.
Not available for the moment on tablets.你想加入一个大型的国际集团在数字生活的心脏吗?免费橙色乔布斯应用程序,您可以快速方便地访问到我们的工作和实习提供橙色,无论你在哪里。
- 报价由国家,活动,合同类型(暂时,永久,实习,学徒等),并通过关键字搜索
- 管理您的个人
- 保存提供了橙色的人才招聘网站上申请
- 接收警报聘书对应到您的个人资料
- 选择您的版本的具体信息和视频
- 分享在Facebook上提供